Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Last Blog!
This is my last blog of the school year! This also happens to be my 69th blog. All school year I have procrastinated these and done them the very night that they were due. This month I actually got them done early. I have written a lot of blogs this year. Looking through all of them they pretty much sum up my life. You can tell when I was having a bad day or going through something rough or when I was in a really good mood. I'm sure I will have to blog again next year but I'm glad to have a break from it for now.
This year is finally almost over. I still have a lot of work left and finals to take but for the most part I am done. Hopefully this summer goes by really slow. I have a feeling it is going to be one of the best summers yet. I have to work and I have softball but it's still going to be really fun. I have no school work to do and I don't have to get up early every day and come to school. There will be nothing to study for or anything. I just have to get through the next week and then I'm done!
Friday, May 14, 2010
memories from junior year
chasing the lost dog
beating laci up and ripping her favorite shirt
driving the durango to eville
starting the school year off grounded
ben hawes train tracks
being afraid of every car at the tracks
spending hours in taco bells parking lot with mark chris and bailey
ding dong ditching the crazy ladies house
the "shower" after the mudbowl
hating soccer but going to almost every game anyway
getting drove to my car at the soccer game
donut parties in bates class
throwing paintballs off the top of the parking garage and almost getting caught
halloween camping at diamond lake
spending every weekend at laurens house
spanish project
fighting with alicia during every project this year
inappropriate lunch talks
heart to heart math talks with destinee
bean bags in math
adam 1 and adam 2
always talking in spanish
all the basketball games over christmas break
the plan that didnt even work
trying to get a reaction
study hall with jillian
my dad calling brandon zach
being asked to prom...twice
dancing in the rain without being in the rain
no, no, no, yes
i lucky you...your awesome
saving worms
fuller always making fun of me
in name only
that one time in room 314
crossing the line
being annoyed after 3 days
the book
exercise, eat, sleep
beating laci up and ripping her favorite shirt
driving the durango to eville
starting the school year off grounded
ben hawes train tracks
being afraid of every car at the tracks
spending hours in taco bells parking lot with mark chris and bailey
ding dong ditching the crazy ladies house
the "shower" after the mudbowl
hating soccer but going to almost every game anyway
getting drove to my car at the soccer game
donut parties in bates class
throwing paintballs off the top of the parking garage and almost getting caught
halloween camping at diamond lake
spending every weekend at laurens house
spanish project
fighting with alicia during every project this year
inappropriate lunch talks
heart to heart math talks with destinee
bean bags in math
adam 1 and adam 2
always talking in spanish
all the basketball games over christmas break
the plan that didnt even work
trying to get a reaction
study hall with jillian
my dad calling brandon zach
being asked to prom...twice
dancing in the rain without being in the rain
no, no, no, yes
i lucky you...your awesome
saving worms
fuller always making fun of me
in name only
that one time in room 314
crossing the line
being annoyed after 3 days
the book
exercise, eat, sleep
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
After Prom
I had so many blogs about how awful prom was going to be and how I just couldn't wait to get it over with. But I was wrong. Prom was amazing! Nothing really went exactly as planned but it was still the greatest night of my life. My dress turned out to be really pretty and my hair wasn't to bad either. My mom only took like 1,000 pictures instead of the 1,000,000 we thought she would take. And it stopped raining long enough for us to take pictures outside. All the decorations turned out really pretty the dance was awesome. After prom was pretty great too. Getting stuck at the Utica gas station at 3 in the morning because of the flooding was awesome. The highlight of the night had to be dancing in the rain without really being in the rain. :)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Prom is almost here. Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life. I have to be at the river park at 9 am which is going to be impossible. I don't even want to have to wake up until 12 tomorrow. But hopefully we can get done really fast we can leave early. From the time I wake up until I go to sleep I am going to be doing something constantly. I have to decorate, get my hair done, drive across town and get my make-up done, go to my house to get dressed, take pictures with my family, go take pictures with brandon's family, then go take pictures with sherri, then take pictures with more of brandon's family, then take pictures with everybody else. Then we have to go eat and go to prom finally. I still don't have a clue about our plans for after prom but hopefully it won't be too chaotic because I will be sooooooo tired. I hope that even though it's going to be a stressful day everything will turn out ok.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
KOM Training
Today was our KOM training for next year. I am on the council this year which is really cool. We got to play a lot of fun games and learn a lot about the people in my group. I am really excited to pick my freshmen for next year and to meet them. I hope my freshmen actually talk to me this year though. I only have one freshmen right now that still talks to me. All the others act like they don't even know me. The dance we get to do is really funny this year. It's a lame dance but it's really fun to do with each other. I got to wear the big, orange hat again this year. To get the hat you have to stand up and scream, "Failure is not an option for my freshmen!" Then you get to wear the hat for thirty minutes. It was a really fun day and I got to get out of class all day and I can't wait until next year with the freshmen.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm so ready for summer to get here. I just want to be out of school and not have to worry about homework or anything else. I have so much stuff due that I haven't even started working on and I don't really care anymore. I just want to get it over with and take my finals and get out of here. I don't really even have anything exciting going on this summer but it has to be better than being in school. I want to get away from all the same people and just hang out with my friends. Things will be a lot less stressful once school is out and I can't wait.
The closer I get to prom the less excited I get about it. Everything is getting really stressful and nothing has gone right. Our decorations are going to be awful and none of us even want to decorate with anything we bought. My dress turned out to be really pretty but I hate it. It doesn't fit like I want it to and it's way to long. I feel like I'm trapped in it and I don't even want to put it one. I feel bad because it was really expensive but the only thing that I'm going to be able to do is just stand there and look pretty. Dancing is going to be impossible and just walking around is going to be a nightmare. Next year I am getting a shorter dress that is actually functional.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I haven't blogged in a really long time. I keep reminding myself that I need to blog about something but I just haven't ever gotten around to it. I think I am just running out of things to blog about. Nothing very interesting is going on in my life. The most exciting thing is that prom is coming up in a couple of weeks. That's really stressing me out because I still have a lot of stuff to do and I have no idea what my plans are for that night. But until that night is over there will be nothing to blog about that is worth reading.
Friday, March 26, 2010
It seems so weird that somebody my age just died of cancer. Not very often does a teenager get cancer. And it was so rare for anybody much less a teenager. She fought for two years and never gave up. She was determined to get through the cancer and be able to live a normal life again. But things happen for reasons that nobody can explain and she passed away. She hadn't been given much of a chance by the doctors and she lived a lot longer than most people thought she would. I feel so sorry for the Daviess County softball team and her family. They were there for lauren through the entire thing and they fought for her all the time. I was not close with lauren but I am very close with some of the softball girls and I know how hard this is on them. They practically lost a sister yesterday. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I lost a friend like this. Pray for LjG!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Would Take Time Out To:
-go for a walk
-redo my room
-watch a law and order marathon
-run a marathon
-go back packing through Europe
-go to Hawaii
-go to New York City
-spend time with my family
-listen to every song on my ipod
-go for a drive somewhere
-make a scrapbook
-visit colleges
-go bungee jumping
-go sky diving
-lay out
-sleep outside and watch the stars
-redo my room
-watch a law and order marathon
-run a marathon
-go back packing through Europe
-go to Hawaii
-go to New York City
-spend time with my family
-listen to every song on my ipod
-go for a drive somewhere
-make a scrapbook
-visit colleges
-go bungee jumping
-go sky diving
-lay out
-sleep outside and watch the stars
Whoever said that words would never hurt was a lier. I know you shouldn't listen to everything that people say but that's really hard to do when everyone keeps saying the same thing over and over again. It gets really hard to ignore after awhile. At first I just played it off and thought they were just trying to get on my nerves or jealous or whatever. But now that every person around me seems to have an opinion about my life and past things that you can't change. Things that I had absolutely nothing to do with. But somehow it's my fault and that turns me into a horrible person. I just don't get how people can judge you off of something that happened a year ago and that I wasn't even there or around.......
Friday, March 19, 2010
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
I finally finished this book for english. I thought it was going to be another stupid book that I would be forced into reading but it actually turned out to be a really good book. I am thinking about reading the rest of her books, which normally I would never do. Maya Angelou has a really good outlook on life. She makes you realize that things aren't really as bad as they seem and somebody always has it worse than you. I realized that I complain about a lot of pointless things when some people are worried about where they are going to sleep at night. I love how Maya worked through all the struggles she had in her life and never gave up. Now she is very successful and it's all because she never gave on what she wanted to accomplish.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Softball Scrimmage
Tonight is our first scrimmage. It will be the first time we have actually gotten on our field with another team and parents and fans around cheering for us. I'm not exactly sure how well it's going to go because we have a lot of people out sick or injured. Our other pitcher is out with the flu so I am going to start tonight. I'm really nervous because my arm has been pretty sore and I haven't been throwing as well as I need to be. Hopefully I can do just enough and the defense will be good enough to win the game. And I'm really nervous about my hitting. The past few days I haven't been hitting exactly how I would like and normally do. It's like I'm thinking to much about the game and it's messing with my head. Hopefully I can fix it before the game starts and everything will turn out ok.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Party! Party! Party!
Friday is going to be the day of parties. In first period we are celebrating Mr. Bate's birthday. We get to have another donut day. We are also wearing are "We Heart Bates" shirts. Then in english we get to watch the UK game. I hate it when the SEC tournament starts because they always play during the day. Usually teachers won't let us watch the game because either they aren't UK fans or they just don't think we should watch it during school. But we actually get to watch the game and bring in food and drinks and have a party. During Fuller's class I'm sure we will eat some food in there too. We always do it seems like. My fourth period class is going to seem extremely boring compared to the rest of the day. Jones is going to have to do something really cool to top the rest of my classes.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
What exactly makes us fall in love? You can't just look at a person and say "Hey I pick you, we are in love now." It just doesn't work like that. You have to take the time to get to know somebody and get to understand what makes them tick. Everyone has those little imperfections that make them who they are. That is truly what you fall in love with. You can't fall in love with somebody who is perfect. That would be to boring. There would be nothing exciting about that. There would be nothing different or weird or strange about them. And in the end that's what you love. That is what gets you through the rough days in life. Everything could seem to be falling apart around you but that one person can do or say something so funny or make you so happy that everything else is gone. Nothing else matters anymore. And sometimes those people you love just need to be there for you so you have somebody to listen to you bicker and whine about every little thing in your life. Not to actually fight with you but just to bicker with. To those who don't understand it, it looks like fighting. But it is honestly makes things interesting no matter what. It makes my day to be able to joke around and boss around somebody and have both people know that it is all just a big joke. To me, that is love.
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but i want to do that because i want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me.....everday."
(The Notebook)
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but i want to do that because i want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me.....everday."
(The Notebook)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Trust is something really important in a relationship. Some people just can't be trusted and that's why they have really bad relationships with people. But I have always had a trust issue with people. I never really want to trust somebody until I get to know them extremely well and that takes a long time. It's not that I don't think they are a good person, it's just that I don't know them that well. I could be completely happy with one person and somebody could just say something and I turn it into a big, dramatic thing when really it's no big deal. I need to not worry so much and obsess over one little thing that most likely won't ever happen. I just need to learn to trust people until they give me a reason not to be trusted anymore. I think I would be way better off if i just let things go with the flow.
Softball Season
Softball season finally started! We got to actually practice. Even though it was in the gym, we still got to take grounders and pop flys. All the pitchers got to pitch with each other at the same time. Even though we have practically fight other sports for gym time, it's exciting to get in there with the team and practice. The only thing I could do without is all the running but I guess that just comes with the sport. I can't wait to play our first game and be able to get outside on the field and practice.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Stupid People
Stupid people make me laugh. I can be having the worst day ever and some random person will say or do something so stupid that I just have to laugh. It's not that I'm trying to be a mean person or make fun of them but some things you just have to laugh about. I know that I do things sometimes that are completely ridiculous and I deserved to be laughed at for. I'm ok with that. So I return the favor and laugh at all the stupid things that other people do. So thank you stupid people, for making my laugh that much better.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Ways To Say No!
Never in my life.
I don't think so.
Not likely.
Never gonna happen.
Never going to happen.
I don't want to.
Not really.
I can't.
Yeah right. (sarcastic)
I don't think so.
Not likely.
Never gonna happen.
Never going to happen.
I don't want to.
Not really.
I can't.
Yeah right. (sarcastic)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I have decided to start pitching again. At the beginning of the school year I quit, but obviously that didn't last long. The only thing about not pitching that I liked was all my extra free time. But now that I'm back to it, I really don't see why I ever quit. I have grown up pitching and for some reason it just seems normal to me. My coach was really happy too. He knew that I loved pitching more than anything and that giving it up was probably a mistake. I will never know now though, if it really was a mistake. Hopefully this season will turn out better than last year. I don't think I can handle all that losing and pitching again this year.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Bucket List
I have decided to make my very own bucket list. I know a lot of people who have started theirs and it's growing on me. There are a lot of things that I catch myself saying that I want to do, but I never get around to it. Or it is something that I can't just get in my car and go do. I do know that I want to pitch a no-hitter in a softball game before I graduate. I have always wanted to go bungee-jumping too. I got to go para sailing and that was on my bucket list. I think I have always had a bucket list in my head but now I am actually going to write it down. That way when I get done with something, I can cross it off. Maybe it will actually make me get things done faster.
Friday, January 29, 2010
dress shopping!

I get to go dress shopping tomorrow. I found the one dress that I want and I get to get my sizes to order it at Abbington's. They have the dress in Lexington, but Abbington's is ordering it for some one else. After I get sized and try some other dresses on just to make my mom happy, I get to order my dress. I'm really excited because I don't have to stress anymore about looking for my perfect dress. Now all I have to do is wait for prom to actually get here.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Prom is a really stressful event that I was not looking forward to going through. The whole dress, hair, date, and everything else is way to stressful for me. But I can cross one of those things off my list of things to do before that day gets here. This past weekend, I was asked to prom. It was one of the cutest things I have ever had anybody do for me. EVER. He texted me and told me to go out to my car. So I got up from the couch and went outside. I looked around and there wasn't anybody out in front of my house. So I walked over to my car and I see a rose stuck under my windshield wiper. I picked it up and there was a card attached to it that had "PROM?" written on it. I kept looking around thinking that he might be somewhere around watching me. But he wasn't.
I have never been given roses or anything like that so I was soooo happy. That was one of the sweetest ways I could think of to ask a girl to prom. So I recommend to anybody who needs a good way to ask, that you use that or someway like that.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I'm not a big fan of this new netsweeper thing on our computers. I had to take my computer to the Help Desk today and of course they put the new program on it. I turned my computer back on and my background, favorites, icons, and all the little things you can change were completely gone. I spent the whole entire class getting everything back to the way I wanted it. I was pretty much done and then I remembered one thing. You can't get on facebook or anything at home. Not even with my own internet. We are getting a new computer for our house, so my computer is the only one that works right now. The only thing I can do now is play soliataire and do my homework. I vote that we get rid of this thing right NOW!
Monday, January 25, 2010
No More Neon Club
The Neon Club is no more. Alicia wrecked this weekend and now the club is over. Mr. Fuller came up with this at the beginning of the school year and we thought it was hilarious. He said that because we had the same kind of car and almost the same color that we should be in the neon club. I think he was joking at first but we thought it was hilarious and actually said that we were in the neon club. The entire year we have been the only members of this club. Now that Alicia has wrecked I am the only one in the club so I guess that means there is no more club. :(
Super Bowl!
The Colts are in the Super Bowl! AGAIN! They are my favorite team in the NFL and not just because of Peyton Manning. Even though I would like him to be my husband. :) I can't wait until the big game. Mostly because we always have a ton of people over to my house and cook all kinds of amazing food. My mom makes the best cheese dip in the world, that for some reason doesn't get made very often. But I love it and that is always the highlight of the game. We always play a game to see who can get closet to the total score. I never win but I am determined this year to get it right. Or at least close enough to win. I love watching halftime even though the past few years have been extremely lame. Maybe The Who's can make it more exciting to watch. I really like watching all the hilarious commercials that come on too. There are some pretty funny ones that come out that night. Basically this night will be one of the highlights of the year and I think this day should be a national holiday.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
ugly words
Here are some words that I think are considered ugly words:
-paper cut
baby toast!
In biology class we had a talk about rolls. My friend Hope had a very funny story about Thanksgiving with her family. They would always buy a certain kind of roll and make sure they would have enough for leftovers. In the days after Thanksgiving they would always split the rolls and butter and toast them. Somehow she got the idea that because they were little pieces of toast that she would call them baby toast. I don't know why that was so funny to me but we all started laughing because nobody had ever heard the term "baby toast" before.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Bad Ideas
I think this list is going to be endless, but here are a few things that I think are considered bad ideas (most of these I can thank my little brother for):
-running your bike tires and writing your name in wet concrete at a newly built house in your neighborhood
-attempting to hide your report card that can be viewed online
-writing a hateful letter to your friend's parent and sign your name at the bottom but then deny it
-holding up a fort made out of blankets with a large stereo speaker
-trying to chase down a dog that is 3 times the size of a human( it ends up chasing you)
-attempting to copy homework by email and leaving the other person's name on the page
-running down the stairs backwards
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This next year is going to be great. My first prom is coming up in May and I get to start helping to plan it in a couple weeks. My junior softball season is coming up in Feb. and I am looking forward to hopefully beating DC this year and making it to the region tournament. Next school year we are starting senior year. It seems like it has taken so long to here. Then on my birthday in December, I turn 18. I am no longer going to be a little kid. I can officially say that I am an adult. And those are only things that I can think of right of the top of my head. There is no telling what other things will happen to me throughout the year. I just know it's going to be a good one.
Monday, January 4, 2010
This past year I have gained and lost a lot. I realized that some of the people I trusted in really shouldn't be trusted at all. In the end, they weren't worth all the drama that they brought with them. I also found a few great people that have become my best friends that I can count on no matter what.
I got a real job at the end of the school year. And minimum wage jobs are not as fun as some people may think. It's hard work and there are days where I wanted to quit so bad but I couldn't afford to. At the end of the day though, I'm lucky to have my job and things could be much worse for me.
I finally realized what I wanted with softball too. Pitching was making me not love the game anymore and I decided that I would be better off playing at another position. Now I am happier than ever with softball and I actually enjoy going to practice and conditioning.
Love came and went in the past year. At first I didn't think it would be possible for me to function but I have learned that it wasn't really for the best anyway. Since the big incident at the beginning of the school year, I have learned that it wasn't what was best for me anyway. I am much happier now. Looking back, I realized that I thought I had happiness but what I actually had was something that I can look back on and smile, knowing that it's in the past for good.
Overall, 2009 was a good year for me. I learned a lot that I realized that I needed to learn eventually. Now I can have fun in 2010 and use everything I learned to make it a better year.
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