Monday, January 4, 2010


This past year I have gained and lost a lot. I realized that some of the people I trusted in really shouldn't be trusted at all. In the end, they weren't worth all the drama that they brought with them. I also found a few great people that have become my best friends that I can count on no matter what.
I got a real job at the end of the school year. And minimum wage jobs are not as fun as some people may think. It's hard work and there are days where I wanted to quit so bad but I couldn't afford to. At the end of the day though, I'm lucky to have my job and things could be much worse for me.
I finally realized what I wanted with softball too. Pitching was making me not love the game anymore and I decided that I would be better off playing at another position. Now I am happier than ever with softball and I actually enjoy going to practice and conditioning.
Love came and went in the past year. At first I didn't think it would be possible for me to function but I have learned that it wasn't really for the best anyway. Since the big incident at the beginning of the school year, I have learned that it wasn't what was best for me anyway. I am much happier now. Looking back, I realized that I thought I had happiness but what I actually had was something that I can look back on and smile, knowing that it's in the past for good.
Overall, 2009 was a good year for me. I learned a lot that I realized that I needed to learn eventually. Now I can have fun in 2010 and use everything I learned to make it a better year.

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