Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Party! Party! Party!

Friday is going to be the day of parties. In first period we are celebrating Mr. Bate's birthday. We get to have another donut day. We are also wearing are "We Heart Bates" shirts. Then in english we get to watch the UK game. I hate it when the SEC tournament starts because they always play during the day. Usually teachers won't let us watch the game because either they aren't UK fans or they just don't think we should watch it during school. But we actually get to watch the game and bring in food and drinks and have a party. During Fuller's class I'm sure we will eat some food in there too. We always do it seems like. My fourth period class is going to seem extremely boring compared to the rest of the day. Jones is going to have to do something really cool to top the rest of my classes.

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