Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party

Last night at work we had our Halloween Party. We had a ton of little kids running around and playing games. They were hyped up on candy and playing together in their cute costumes. The mess they made wasn't so much fun to clean up but some of them had some really good costumes. There were sheep, little bo peep, ladybugs, ups men, batmen, and cowgirls. All the kids had a great time playing all the games we had for them. They got to get their face painted, bob for apples, decorate paper pumpkins, get fun prizes, and dance to all the music that the dj was playing. Even though I was working, it was a blast to watch all the kids. They were so excited. That could have something to do with all the candy they got. But either way it was still fun.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Halloween is meant for little kids to have fun dressing up and and getting free candy. But for some reason it seems to be my favorite holiday right behind Christmas. I love candy. I love FREE candy. I love getting to dress up and for one night, you get to be whatever you want. You can be a bumblebee, a nerd, a witch, or even a gorilla if you even want to. The possibilities are endless of what you can be. If you get really creative, you can even be a person walking on stilts, the bearded lady, or an old man or woman. It's so much fun to go buy all the costumes and make-up and to get dressed with all my friends and take crazy pictures in our crazy outfits.
I also like Halloween because of all the scary stories, haunted houses, and all the eerie things that seem to happen around this time of year. It seems like every person has their own unique scary story about some haunted house, barn, or road. At night, all the roads look very creepy, like a scary guy with a hatchet is going to come out from the woods and attack you. The low hanging branches begin to look like long moving arms that are reaching out to get you. Pretty much everything just seems creepy around Halloween.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I don't . why teachers think it is a good idea to assign all kinds of crazy projects all at the same time. And I really don't understand why that happens to be the first two days we are back from fall break. Everyones brains are practically mush and nobody really remembers what we learned before fall break. It seems like all the teachers thought it would be funny to watch us all scream and freak out over all the projects, essays, and large homework assignments that they have all assigned. And to think that I thought last year was going to be my hardest year in school. Yeah right! This year has been twice as much work as last year. Too bad we don't have OOPS passes like last year. I have a feeling I would be using mine quite a bit already.

Monday, October 26, 2009

First Day Back

Fall break was so much fun. I wish we could have another week so I didn't have to come back to school today. It was so hard to get up this morning and get here on time. Not to mention I had to be here early for a Beta Club meeting.
The past week flew by so fast. I got to hang out with my friends almost the whole time and I only had to work a couple days that week. We went to a volleyball game, drove out to the middle of nowhere and came back. Then to Ben Hawes to see the ghost by the railroad tracks. Then we went to a bonfire and I had to go off roading just to get there. My car was not made to drive through ditches and really tall weeds. I did not think we would make it there alive. Then when we actually got there I wasn't sure we would be able to get out. But thankfully we did even though I had to drive 5 mph until I got out. Then to finish out the week, I went to Diamond Lake all weekend for Halloween Camping. It wasn't exactly camping because we rented a cottage so I didn't have to sleep in a tent. While we were there we sat around the campfire and told stories and then we went to the haunted houses. I thought I was going to pee my pants when we went through them. They scary people followed us all the way out of the trail. It was really creepy.
This past week was great. No homework, no stress of school, no getting up early everyday, and no tests. It was a fun week and I'm sad it's over. Hopefully Christmas Break will get here fast because I'm ready for another long break.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Mondays suck. You have to wake up early and go to school and try to learn while you are still half asleep. You don't feel like doing anything or moving or even getting out of bed.
Today I had subs for 1st and 2nd period and we didn't really do much of anything. Both subs left busy work for us to do and that was it. Just sitting and trying to entertain yourself on a Monday morning.
I'm not a morning person, but usually by the time I wake up and get ready I'm ok. But for some reason today I kept hitting snooze and nothing in the world could make me stop yawning. I'm still extremely tired and I didn't even stay up late like I usually do. I went to bed at a decent time and everything.
Hopefully the rest of the week will be better because right now I am really tired and grouchy and that will not make for a good week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Everything Happens For A Reason....But What Good Reason?

Why is everybody dying? It's so depressing and so many young people have died. It doesn't seem right at all. Why do kids who haven't even began their lives yet. They have plans for growing up and best friends they go to school with and a lot of family that are ready to watch them grow into adults. 4 people from our senior class has died since their 8th grade year. Out of the 300-some people in that class, four of them won't be there for their graduation. How depressing is that to think about?
Now I wasn't close with any of the people who have died. But it still really hits you that your life can be over just like that. Sometimes people think that bizarre accidents can't happen to you, but when people you go to school with and see on a day to day basis aren't there anymore, it's put into more of a perspective to you. It's really sad to see people that you are friends with hurting so bad because one of their best friends is gone. Most of the time when young people die, it is a freak accident. Hopefully this time people will learn from Mellisa's tragic mistake and be more careful and wear their seatbelts so our school doesn't have to go through all of this sadness again.

Friday, October 2, 2009

DC Game!

So tonight we play at DC so we had spirit week this week It has been pretty fun and dressing up for school has been fun too. I think nerd day was the best though. Almost everybody dressed up for that one and it was fun to make fun of all my DC friends. The game is going to be the best too. We are going to decorate my car with streamers so when we get in the car we have to climb in the windows. On the way to the game we are going to do the chinese fire drill every time we get stopped at a red light. We are going to play Party In The U.S.A. the whole way to the game.
The only thing that is going to suck is if we lose the game. Hopefully we win because then this whole week will be kind of pointless.