Monday, November 30, 2009


Over Thanksgiving Break, Josh Calhoun was buried. I was at the funeral and I'm pretty sure it was one of the most depressing funerals I have ever been to. The family cried, his friends cried, every single person in that room cried. And most people bawled their eyes out. I happen to be one of those people. The Toby Keith song "Cryin' for Me" and seeing those guys break down at the grave site just got to me. Now every time I hear that song on the radio it gets to me. Josh's very close group of guys were all pallbearers along with his two brothers. They all wore camo because that is what Josh loved. After seeing them carry their friend out to his grave and listen to "Simple Man" they just couldn't walk away. They stayed and hugged each other, close friends, their girlfriends, and family. Most were speechless and definitely didn't want to go back into the church to eat. It was a very sad way to start Thanksgiving Break but it gave me a good reason to be thankful on Turkey Day. Rest In Peace Danni Boi!

Cryin' For Me lyrics:
Got the news on Friday morning
But a tear I couldn’t find
You should me how I am supposed to live
Now you should me how to die
I was lost til Sunday morning
I woke up to face my fear
While writing you this good bye song I found a tear

I’m going to miss that smile
I’m going to miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I’d do it all again

So play it sweet in heaven
Cause that’s right where you want to be
I’m not cryin’ cause I feel so sorry for you
I am cryin’ for me

I got up and dialed your number
Your voice came on the line
That old familiar message
I have heard a thousand times
It just said, sorry that I missed you
Leave a message and god bless
I know that you think I am crazy
But I just had to hear your voice I guess

I’m going to miss that smile
I’m going to miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I’d do it all again

So play it sweet in heaven
Cause that’s right where you want to be
I’m not cryin’ cause I feel so sorry for you
I am cryin’ for me


So play your upsidedown, left handed
Backward bass guitar
I’ll see you on the other side superstar

I’m going to miss that smile
I’m going to miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I’d do it all again

So play it sweet in heaven
Cause that’s right where you want to be
I’m not cryin’ cause I feel so sorry for you
I am cryin’ for me

I’m still cryin’
I’m cryin’ for me
I’m still cryin’

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