Thursday, August 20, 2009

Like father, Like daughter

I am most like my father because we have the same types of personality and I look kind of like him. We both love sports and that pretty much takes up all of our free time. Both of us are very competitive and everything is a win or lose situation. Even who can get their food first at dinner time and eat the quickest is a race to us. We are pretty laid back about most things but we both like to stay busy all the time. I get extremely bored just sitting at home watching t.v. and my dad is the exactly the same way. Im not sure if this is a good thing, but I do get my stubborness from him too. Some people have said that my dad and I could argue with a brick wall and win. I think that is why we get along so well, because we are almost exactly alike and know what makes each other tick. We know how we like to talk about things and do certain things around the house. That is why I am more like my dad than any other family member.

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